Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Emmanuel Soden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [JMX] org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager not serializable
Using Tomcat 5.5.27 with JDK 1.5.0_11, I'm trying to retrieve
the attribute "manager" from the MBean
I don't think there's any requirement for any app to guarantee that attributes
are serializable, and I suspect trying to make StandardManager so would create
a host of issues inside Tomcat.
Perhaps you should try retrieving the attributes you're interested in from this
JMX location instead:
Its attributes are all retrievable, at least according to JConsole
when I try to retrieve an attribute like "managedResource"
from the MBean "Catalina:host=localhost,type=Host"
>From a brief perusal of the 6.0 code (sorry, not the level you're using), there appears
to be extremely limited use of the "managedResource" attribute, despite its
presence in most of the MBeans. Looks like in the vast majority of cases, the attribute is
never set.
More generally I have had cases where I've had an attribute exposed via
JMX for /in-process /usage that then blows chunks with out-of-process
usage. This should be avoided, but where it cannot be it should be
documented as "the way things are" and possibly addressed by
replaceObject(). [In my recent case I used replaceObject() to replace
my non-serializable data with an approximation thereof whose toString()
would show something somewhat meaningful in a remote JMX console.]
Jess Holle