
I apologize if I wasn't clear. We are already running Tomcat in a load-balanced capacity with sticky sessions which means the jvmRoute is already set and configured correctly. What we are looking to do is ensure that the actual Tomcat instance isn't a zombie, rather, that it can still accept connections.

That said, adding another Connector that does not use mod JK actually works, so this is the route we will take. Thanks.


Hassan Schroeder wrote:
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 9:42 AM, Adam Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We're running two Tomcat (5.5.16) instances in a load-balanced capacity
behind an Apache server (2.0.55 w/ mod j/k 1.2.14).

We'd like to set up some sort of monitoring that would allow us to not just
check to see if the Tomcat Java processes are still running (that's easy)
but to actually connect to each web server (either independently or via the
load-balancer) and verify that a certain page can be returned.

Since we're connecting to Tomcat via an Apache load-balancer, we don't know
of a way to force the load-balancer to go to a certain Tomcat instance.
 Additionally, we don't know how to speak mod j/k so we can't fake a direct
connection to each Tomcat instance.

Simplest: add an HTTP connector to use for testing.  :-)

Re' forcing the instance to use -- see the entry for jvmRoute in


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