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Jonathan Mast wrote:
> I am writing a report generator that has the ability to generate Excel
> files.

This question has already been answered by Youssef, Hassan, and Bill.
I'm going to add a few things that I think are worth mentioning.

There was a magazine at one time called JavaPro that seems to have been
wiped off the face of the planet. I have in front of me a printed
article called "Send Files to Browser Clients the /Right Way/" which
answers your question in a 2-page writeup.

The basics are:

1. Use Content-Disposition (as suggested by other responses)
2. Set the Content-Type to application/octet-stream
   (This may force a download for browsers such as MSIE that
    would rather show you the content than download it)
3. Make sure you don't send more content than is appropriate.
   Since you're using a JSP, watch out for excess newlines and
   stuff like that you might get with sloppy JSP syntax.

Sweet. The Way Back Machine comes to the rescue:

Enjoy. It's a really old article, but it is actually still correct
(which just isn't true for most of what has been published about Java -
aside from the basics - since it was introduced).

- -chris
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