I do a netstat -a | grep TomcatPort e.g.
netstat -a | grep 8080

(you will see the host which is listening on port 8080)

Bon Chance
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> Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 14:44:28 +0100
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: Re: tomcat virtual host
> Hi André and every body,
> Thank you very mutch for the details:))
> Tail
> ----- Mail Original -----
> De: "André Warnier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> À: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Envoyé: Jeudi 20 Novembre 2008 22:44:34 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
> / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
> Objet: Re: tomcat virtual host
> Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
> >> Subject: Re: tomcat virtual host
> >>
> >> status, or does something else happen?  Is the DNS name
> >> "mysvn" defined on the machine your browser is running on?
> >>
> >> Internet Explorer could not display this web  page
> >> i test this in local machine, so i do not use a DNS.
> > 
> mtail,
> The gurus here are flying high, and a bit intimidating sometimes.
> So allow me to try, since for once I can maybe be useful here.
> It is not enough to define a virtual host in Tomcat.  Your browser must 
> also know "where" that virtual host is (on which machine). Even if this 
> all happens on one single machine, the browser does not know who "mysvn" 
> is, unless you give him a way to find out.
> So let's start at the beginning.
> 1) When you type in your browser a URL like
> http://mysvn:8080/something.html
> the first thing the browser has to do, is to find an IP address that 
> corresponds to the hostname "mysvn".
> That is because, on the Internet, machines find one another via IP 
> addresses (like, and not by names (like "mysvn"). Names 
> are only something for humans, easier to remember than numbers.
> 2) There are 2 places where the browser can find a translation of a host 
> name into a host IP address, and it will try them in this order :
> (a) : in the local "hosts" file.
> Under Windows, it is usually c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
> and under Unix, it is usually /etc/hosts
> (b) : using the DNS system.
> That means, the browser knows the IP address of a "DNS server", which is 
> another computer which has access to a long list of translations between 
> host "names" and host "IP addresses", and it will ask that server.
> So, the browser will first try (a).  If the browser is looking for the 
> IP address of "mysvn", and if there is a line in (a) like
> mysvn
> then the browser is happy : it now knows that the server IP address of 
> "mysvn" is, and it can stop looking.
> If the browser does not find a translation in (a), then it will ask (b) 
> (the DNS system) for a translation.
> If the DNS system also does not know, then it will send back "I don't 
> know", and your browser will say "Cannot display that page", because it 
> cannot even find the IP address of the server to which it should be talking.
> 3) When the browser has obtained a translation for "mysvn" into an IP 
> address, then (and only then) it can go one step further :
> It can now compose a HTTP request and send it to that IP address 
>  This HTTP request will look like this :
> GET /something.html HTTP/1.1
> The browser will also add a second line to that request, like
> Host: mysvn
> 4)
> If all the above happened correctly, then the Tomcat listening at the IP 
> address will receive the request from the browser.
> It is very important that you understand this :
> Tomcat only receives the request if the browser has sent it to the 
> correct IP address of the host where the Tomcat server runs.  That is 
> true even if this all happens on one single machine.
> If your browser could not get an IP address for "mysvn", or if it got 
> the wrong one, then Tomcat never even sees the request.
> 5) But let's suppose that everything above went fine, and that Tomcat 
> receives the request.
> Tomcat now looks at the second line of the request, the one that says :
> Host: mysvn
> That is when the Tomcat virtual hosts come into play (but not before).
> Tomcat will now look if it has a Host named "mysvn".
> If it has one, it will use that Host configuration to answer the request.
> (If Tomcat has no such Host, then it will use its "default host" to 
> answer the request anyway.)
> 6) Now there can still be an error :
> If the browser asked for the page "/something.html", and Tomcat does not 
> find that page in the document area of that virtual Host, then Tomcat 
> will return an error "not found" to the browser, and the browser will 
> also say "Cannot display that page".
> But the point is, this is another kind of error, and it happens later.
> Your problem is probably due to the first reason : your browser cannot 
> even find an IP address for the server "mysvn".
> It cannot find it, because it looks first in your local hosts file, and 
> there is no line there with "mysvn".  Then it asks the DNS system, and 
> the DNS system also does not know the IP address of "mysvn".
> On the other hand, when your browser tries to find the address of 
> "localhost", then it *does* find it in the local hosts file, and that is 
> why your URL
> http://localhost:8080
> works fine.
> -- note --
> The IP address is special : it always means "this machine".
> So if you do "ping" on any computer, that computer will always 
> ping itself.
> Or if you ask your browser
> the browser will try to contact a HTTP server on this same machine.
> Similarly, on almost every computer, there is a line in the local hosts 
> file, like this :
> localhost
> That means that whenever a program on this machine is trying to get the 
> address of the host "localhost", it will always find the response 
> "" (because it first looks in the hosts file).
> That's why, if you enter "ping localhost", you will see the same as if 
> you enter "ping".
> It is also why, if you enter in your browser
> http://localhost:8080
> the browser will try to contact the HTTP server on this same machine 
> (because "localhost" is first translated to "", and that IP 
> address always means "this machine").
> -- End of note --
> To summarise :
> If you want your browser to find the correct (local) Tomcat virtual 
> hosts "localhost" and "mysvn", and you want Tomcat to answer with the 
> correct virtual host, and all of this happens on the same machine, then 
> you have to do 2 things :
> A) you have to make sure that in your local hosts file, there are these 
> 2 lines :
> localhost
> mysvn
> That is because you want your browser to send the HTTP request to the 
> local machine ( in both cases :
> - when you use the URL : http://localhost:8080
> - and when you use the URL : http://mysvn:8080
> B) you have to configure 2 virtual hosts in Tomcat :
> one <Host> for "localhost"
> and one <Host> for "mysvn"
> Both A and B are necessary.
> You have done B, but you probably did not think of A.
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