> From: Ariela Carrera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Re: Tomcat 6 unstable

> 3) About the db2 jdbc driver, well, it is allocated in many paths...
> JAVA_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/ext/db2jcc.jar
> CATALINA_HOME/lib/db2jcc.jar
> CATALINA_HOME/webapps/cqaex/db2jcc.jar
> CATALINA_HOME/webapps/peerca/WEB-INF/lib/db2jcc.jar
> DB2_HOME/V9.5/java/db2jcc.jar

This is not good.  You must not place a jar in multiple locations that are 
visible along any single branch of the classloader hierarchy.  Look at the 
diagram and discussion here:

       /     \
  Webapp1   Webapp2 ...

Since the jre/lib/ext directory is essentially part of the Bootstrap class 
loader, you now have three locations that the DB2 JDBC driver might be loaded 
from.  This pretty much guarantees class loading conflicts that will result in 
all sorts of problems, including NoClassDefFoundError, and many other more 
subtle issues.

To use Tomcat's DB connection pooling, the jar needs to be in either the 
jre/lib/ext or the CATALINA_HOME/lib location - not both.  It cannot be in 
WEB-INF/lib to use Tomcat's connection pooling, but it can be there if you use 
your own pooling (or no pooling at all), in which case it must be removed from 
the other two places.

The webapps/cqaex and DB2_HOME locations will be ignored by Tomcat, but as 
Michael L pointed out, the former location exposes the jar to remote clients, 
which is bad practice.

 - Chuck

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