
I got a slight timing problem here.
I got 2 war files: X.war and webservice.war
X.war depends on webservice.war.
I already managed to have webservice.war deploy before X.war gets deployed,
although I can see in the logs that X.war is eternally waiting on
webservice.war when being deployed.

Also, none of the previous deployed applications are accessible (such as
status/ manager/, ..)

However, what I noticed is that if I deploy X.war manually instead of having
Tomcat hotdeploy it at startup, then it actually works. Thus, my guess is
that webservice.war requires a bit more time to be fully deployed. Therefor
my question, is it possible to delay the deployment of a specific .war by a
few seconds?
Maybe it's as easy as increasing the hotdeploy check interval.

Thanks in advance.

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