> From: Lyallex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Tomcat 6 and javamail
> The mail server does not require authentication when accessed from the
> office subnet. The server guys have confirmed this.

Or is it that your mail server is configured to accept the network signon that 
each workstations uses?

> I am using the same mail server for the standalone test, the test
> where the mail component is configured to use the JNDI resource
> configured in context.xml and the test where the mail component uses
> the same configuration mechanism as the standlone test. The only test
> that fails is the last one.

And is everything running under the same account?  If you're running Tomcat as 
a Windows service, it will not be the account you logged into your workstation 
(and network)with.

 - Chuck

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