André Warnier schrieb:
>> This can happen a lot, if Tomcat has a configured connectionTimeout on
>> the connector, but mod_jk has no timeout for idle connections. Again we
>> would need the configuration, this time also the server.xml.
> The Connector tag of server.xml is this :
> <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
>  <Connector port="8009"
>                enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"
> protocol="AJP/1.3" />
> no timeout, so I suppose there is a default.

I think no, default is no timeout.

> The mod_jk configuration in Apache is :
>     LoadModule    jk_module  modules/
>     JkWorkersFile /opt/tomcat5/conf/
>     JkLogFile     /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
>     JkLogLevel    info
>     JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
>     JkMount  /abc/  ajp13
>     JkMount  /abc/*  ajp13
> No timeout or cping/cpong there, as far as I can tell.

It would be in, see below.

> Here is /opt/tomcat5/conf/ :
> workers.tomcat_home=/opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.20
> workers.java_home=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0
> ps=/

The above three lines have no meaning. You can and should remove. They
are relics from very old default config files.

> worker.list=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.lbfactor=1
> No cping/cpong there either.


> One more question then : I checked the on-line doc for mod_jk and for
> the, but see nothing resembling a timeout or
> cping/cpong.  Does it have something to do with "JkWatchdogInterval",
> "worker.maintain" or JK_REPLY_TIMEOUT ?
> In the AJP Connector doc, I find a "connectionTimeout" attribute.
> But its description does not really seem to match what we are talking
> about here.
> So now I'm a bit lost.

is your friend :)

>> If you want to keep effort low, let your customer
>> - first do a JK update
>> - check, that contains good timeout and cping/cpong
>> configurations
> I'll do that.
> The customers themselves are helpless. This system has no internet
> access, so I'll have to figure out how to get a recent rpm for RHEL5
> myself, and how to install that on their system.

Don't be surprised, if you can't get a recent version from the linux
vendor. They are not necessarily good in keeping all of the 200 RPMs up
to date, they distribute.

Consider compiling the modules yourself. You'l need an installed
compiler (you can use the gcc provided by RHEL5) and in addition to the
Apache httpd rpm, you'll also need the apache dev RPM, which contains
header files and apxs.

Then download mod_jk source, and do

configure --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs

and copy the resulting to your favourite installation directory.

That's it.

> If anyone knows this by heart, I'd be much obliged..
> If all else fails, can I just grab a Linux binary somewhere
> and overwrite theirs ?

You should compile your own. It is safer. Binary downloadsw might be
binary compatible with your httpd or not.

> This is what they have :
> Apache 2.0.52


> Tomcat 5.5.20


> mod_jk 1.2.x
> OS : Linux (hostname) 2.6.9-67.0.15.ELsmp #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 13:58:43 EDT
> 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
> The latest version that seems to fit their system best is
> /dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/linux/jk-1.2.27/x86_64
> Can I just use that with their Apache 2.0.52, or do I also need to
> update Apache ?

You can try. If Apache httpd starts with it, then it's unlikely you'l
run into trouble later. In general though, it is better practise to do
the few steps needed to compile it on your own. If you ever need to do
an urgent update, then you'll know, how to do it without relying on
anyone to provide a compatible binary.



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