Peter Crowther wrote:

If you try to stop the accounts team naming their Excel files "Budgets from Margaret 2008-2009" you may find your office surrounded by a mob of pitchfork- and torch-waving users
That is a weak objection.
They can also not name it "Budget 2008/2009" or "Projections sales >
profits", and never have been allowed to.  Under Windows, you could
never name a file "CON" or "LPT". Under Tomcat, you can name an
application "main#menu", but it will probably give you all kinds of
trouble if you don't do it judiciously.
I have never seen pitchforks and torches waved there, yet.

But you're right, it's probably too late. Sigh.
Not for "Apache Group" though.

Cicero had to repeat "delenda Cartago" for years before they got up to
it.  Galileo once said "et puor, si muove", and although he got into
some trouble at the time, he was finally rehabilitated a few years ago.

Note that, as you obliquely hint at yourself, using spaces in
directory/filenames is only bad because a space is also considered as a
separator in many other circumstances.
So one could instead disallow spaces as separators in command-lines, and
there would no longer be problems either.
How about that ?


(*) On the other hand, people in the UK still drive on the wrong side of the road, despite being asked many times to change their silly ways.
Go figure.

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