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I still don't know what the problem was, but I have now installed a
proper Tomcat 6.0.18 on the semi-production (testing) server, and on the
whole it now seems to work.

I am sure I have used nothing more advanced that servlet2.4/jsp2.0
during development, so it should have worked on Tomcat 5.5; but maybe not.

Oh well.

Edward Barrow wrote:
> I'm developing a webapp using Netbeans 6.5 and it works fine on the
> development machine. On deploying it to a semi-production machine, it
> immediately fails with a 404 "Servlet.jsp is not available" (but I'm
> trying to access index.jsp).
> The dev server is Netbeans bundled Tomcat 6.0.18; the semi-production
> server is Debian/Tomcat 5.5, which is otherwise working (Admin, Manager
> and Hello World, the latter written on the dev setup, all work as they
> should).
> Where does Servlet.jsp come from? a missing jar (but the obvious ones
> are all where they should be)?
> thanks for any pointers,
> edward

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