Robert J Morman wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> We have a problem with our production tomcat server in that the CPU will
> climb after a restart from 1-2% to 100%.  The rate of climb corresponds
> to the amount of traffic we receive (the more we have, the faster it
> climbs).  I noticed a couple days ago (by using Lambda Probe), that we
> are getting 'rogue' https threads.  These are threads that are stuck in
> the Service stage for a particular request.  I notice that as these
> threads become stuck persistently-serviced, the CPU seems to jump about
> 6% at a time (for each thread).  Once we hit 99-100% CPU, we have about
> 15 of these and we are required to restart tomcat (as it's not
> responding with much priority).  Lmbda Probe notes that there are no
> Current Busy threads, even though it shows these as being Serviced.
> Is there a way to get these to time out?

I suspect the threads have each entered an infinite loop. I am afraid there
is no way to stop them short of restarting Tomcat.

Before you do, take a couple of thread dumps ~5 seconds apart so you can
identify where the loops are occurring and get the code fixed.


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