Abhi schrieb:
> Thanks Milan.
> This is how my apache2.conf looks
> LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so
> JkWorkersFile <path to workers.properties>/workers.properties
> JkLogFile  /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log
> JkLogLevel    error
> JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
> JkMount  /foo/*  worker1
> Content of workers.properties
> worker.list=worker1
> worker.worker1.type=ajp13
> worker.worker1.host=localhost
> worker.worker1.port=8009
> Am I missing something?

JkShmFile. If you don'Ät specify it, it will be put in the logs
directory in your ServerRoot, which in your case seems not to exist. But
that will only stop the error message.

If forwarding dosn't work, set JkLogLevel to debug and post the
JkLogFile file for one failing request (including the startup lines).

Do you have any virtual Hosts (VHost) in your configuration? If so, put
the JkMount into the VHosts you use, or set JkMountCopy All in the
global part.

> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:08 AM, Milan Cvejic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> You need to define workers.properties file... It seem to me that you didn't
>> created configuration for
>> mod_jk.
>> Abhi wrote:
>>> I am trying to get tomcat running with apache using mod_jk connector.
>>> I compiled mod_jk.so from source and put it under apache modules
>>> directory.
>>> I get no error while restarting apache and also apache tells me it has
>>> loaded mod_jk module. But my requests are not forwarded to tomcat. I get
>>> the
>>> following error message in my mod_jk log file
>>> [Mon Dec 08 17:02:06 2008] [26372:3078907568] [error] init_jk::mod_jk.c
>>> (3001): Initializing shm:/etc/apache2/logs/jk-runtime-status.26372
>>> errno=2.
>>> Load balancing workers will not function properly.
>>> The steps I followed to compile the module:
>>> make clean
>>> ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs2
>>> make
>>> During compilation I get no errors. I am using apache2.
>>> Any pointers?



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