I made this by modifying one for a different service.

It's set up so that tomcat runs as the user tomcat.  In order to do that you'll 
need to tweak the ownership of the files in the tomcat directory.  I just made 
everything owned by tomcat except webapps, which I own, but which is group 
owned and writable by tomcat so it can explode the wars.

I'm on ubuntu (notice the two flavors of the functions file it sources).

You may not need the HUDSON_HOME stuff and I'm sure you won't need the 
Dwaitlistd.host=${HOST} so delete stuff as necessary.

If you want it to run as root I'm guessing that you'd need to delete the 
--chuid and --user lines.


export PATH

export JAVA_OPTS=-server
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java
export TOMCAT_DIR=/usr/local/tomcat

export HUDSON_HOME=/usr/local/hudson


HOST=`/bin/hostname | sed -e 's/\..*//'`

export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Dwaitlistd.host=${HOST}"

test -f ${TOMCAT_START} || exit 0

# redhat
# . /etc/init.d/functions

# debian
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

case "$1" in
       log_daemon_msg "Starting tomcat" "tomcat"

       cd /var/log

       # ${TOMCAT_START}
       eval /sbin/start-stop-daemon \
               --start \
               --quiet \
               --chuid ${TOMCAT_USER} \
               --user ${TOMCAT_USER} \
               --startas ${TOMCAT_START}

       log_end_msg $?

       log_daemon_msg "Stopping tomcat" "tomcat"

       # ${TOMCAT_STOP}
       eval /sbin/start-stop-daemon \
               --stop \
               --quiet \
               --user ${TOMCAT_USER} \
               --startas ${TOMCAT_STOP}

       log_end_msg $?

       ${0} stop

       log_action_msg "sleeping for several seconds ..."
       sleep 13

       ${0} start

       log_action_msg "Usage: ${0} {start|stop|restart}"

Java PHI wrote:

Does anyone has a Linux script to run Tomcat as Linux services, i.e. the
runlevel scripts ? I have tried to make one, but in case there is a proven
script that has been deployed somewhere... can someone please share ?



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