Caldarale, Charles R schrieb am 01.02.2009 um 22:38:57 (-0600):
> > From: Michael Ludwig []
> > Subject: Re: UnsatisfiedLinkError in Windows Service (tomcat6w/5w.exe)
> >
> > The Java bridge DLLs (or whatever they're called) can be moved to a
> > directory only contained in java.library.path, but not in PATH. The
> > other libraries must be in a PATH directory in order to be loaded.
> If I'm interpreting your posting correctly, it looks like you have
> discovered that the other DLLs are not being loaded by the JVM, but
> rather indirectly, due to references from the ones the JVM loads.

Sort of. I knew before that the Java bridge libraries would load the
other ones, but I didn't know it would matter. I thought that under the
hood, java.library.path would be equivalent to setting PATH, so I didn't
understand that one would fail where the other wouldn't.

> If you really wanted to keep them all under java.library.path, you
> could write some initialization code for your webapp that does
> loadLibrary() calls on the previously indirectly loaded ones;

I see, System.loadLibrary(). Never used that before.

> but it's probably simpler just to keep them visible in PATH.

I think so, too. Thanks for your help and advice in dealing with this.

Michael Ludwig

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