Dear Steve,

One additional restriction I have is a security bureaucracy from hell. As far as console access I have a two-hop connection.

Is there no test system that you can use to reproduce this, under less insane restrictions? Have you considered hauling your behind to the data center to sit behind the console for a few hours? In the past I found that I could spend days fighting the bizarre rules with half- working technical solutions, or just go to the actual machine and look at the display there. Of course, it was only a two hour drive in my case. Yours might well be at the other end of the world.

As far as GUI access I have some crappy device to log into that lets me have really bad keyboard/mouse control of the machine, which, unless I can overcome this means that GUI-based tools are not going to work, and as for remote GUI access, see above security bureaucracy.

Which means I'm looking for command-line equivalents for what JConsole does, particularly the threads tab. Any ideas along that path?

There are some JMX command line tools, but JMX is really easy to use from code. You could write a simple JSP page to give you the figures that way. Script with curl/wget and graph with Excel. :)
Kees Jan

The secret of success lies in the stability of the goal. -- Benjamin Disraeli

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