
Tomcat:  6.0
Tomcat Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
OS:  Windows XP ( Windows 5.1 service pack 2 )
Java:  JDK  1.6.0_10-beta
Context/Webapp Name:  abcdev

I'm using the above configuration to set up a development environment for

I used the very convenient and slick installer for Windows that
automatically sets up a service for me with a useful control interface in my
system tray.

My web application is called "abcdev".    I'm setting the "Context" element
for it in a one line file called "abcdev.xml" which I have placed in

c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat

I noticed that if I don't give my JSPs and my servlet  a path that they look
for files in  CATALINA_HOME aka my installation directory:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0

Can I have my JSPs and servlets look for files in other locations without
altering the code?  If so, can I do this on a context (webapp) by context
(webapp) basis?

My apologies if this is in the documentation.  I have read the docs, but I
have been away from tomcat for a few years.  I'm still catching up on a
learning curve.  I'm not used to the jargon yet or the organization of the

Thanks in advance for any info


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