I have a Tomcat cluster with mod_jk and another one with mod_proxy_http,
and I'm quite happy with both.
Just in case somebody is interested, this guy wrote a blog post about
configuring apache with mod_proxy_http:


Although he says goodbye mod_jk, hello mod_proxy, he doesn't really
justify why...

On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 20:34 +0100, André Warnier wrote:
> Hi.
> Maybe slightly off-topic, but having a moment of blues and lack of 
> inspiration/motivation about working on what I should really be working 
> on, and just in the spirit of communicating a "user experience"...
> We are using Apache and Tomcat to provide an application, both on-site 
> and in ASP mode, in total on about 50 different hosts right now. Our 
> Apache/Tomcat setup is quite simple, and in fact just about the only 
> original reason for which we are using Tomcat, is that one part of our 
> application, which we get from another supplier, requires it as part of 
> the interface to a back-end database system.  What we do on that 
> database system is demanding from a system point of view, but not really 
> stressful from a Tomcat or Apache/Tomcat connector point of view.  By 
> that I mean that we do not have thousands of concurrent requests to 
> Tomcat, it's more like 10-100 at the most. Neither do we need 
> load-balancing or anything sophisticated like that, and we usually run 
> just one Apache and one Tomcat on a single host.  (Not always, just most 
> of the time).  We run this about 80% under Linux, 10% other Unixes, 10% 
> Windows.
> Because we started this several years ago, we use mod_jk 1.2.x as a 
> connector, as it was then the only connector available, and the setup 
> was the same under Windows and Unix/Linux.
> All of this to say that in all these years, I guess a reasonable number 
> of hundreds of thousands (or millions) of requests have been processed 
> through mod_jk, and we have never had any significant problem with it.
> I had a problem a couple of months ago, due to a valid but peculiar 
> configuration of mine (I tend to use "SetHandler jakarta-servlet" in 
> Apache, rather than the more usual JkMount); I submitted the problem on 
> this list and it elicited an immediate response, and a fix by Rainer 
> Jung within the next 24h (at the most).
> Even more recently, I had a customer problem in which basically mod_jk 
> was not involved at all, but where the mod_jk log proved a very valuable 
> source for tracking down the problem, and this list also proved a 
> valuable source of information and suggestions.
> I have had a look at mod_proxy_ajp, but did not find the available 
> documentation very enlightening, nor the potential gains evident, and 
> since indeed it seems to use the same AJP connector on the Tomcat side, 
> and since we are basically happy with mod_jk, and since I am a great 
> believer in the wisdom of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" maxim, I 
> did not really pursue it very deeply.
> That is not to say that mod_proxy_ajp is not good, I just never tried it.
> Of course all that is also not to say that mod_jk might not be the right 
> tool in other circumstances.  But as far as we are concerned, I would 
> state it like this : if a customer would come to us saying that they had 
> a problem with our application, the mod_jk module would be among the 
> very last pieces which I would suspect of being involved in the problem.
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Pieter Temmerman
email: ptemmerman....@sadiel.es
skype: ptemmerman.sadiel


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