I see the PersistenceManager + Filestore/JDBCStore as an option but I see
certain places that PersistenceManager is experimental and does not keep
sessions completely up to date.

 I am fairly new to Tomcat, most of my past experience with sessions has
with PHP sessions and normally we would just throw those off into a database
where all of the web servers would have access to them without needing to do
Any kind of replication between the servers.

 Does anyone know if there is a way to do this in Tomcat so that when a
is created or updated it is written to a database that all of the Tomcat
could see as if the session belonged to any one of them? If SimpleTcpCluster
is the only way to go I can definitely test it, I¹m just really worried
about the size
of the session data and the overhead that could be incurred on the Tomcat
themselves due to the way our applications have been written.

Thanks in advance, 

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