
I found a posible bug or weird performance with tomcat 6.0.18. I'm using
faces  for MVC, when the context is setting the values for bean atributes
from an empty input (input with null value) I don´t finally get a null value
as I expect, I finally get a primitive default value. For example, If I bind
my java.lang.Float to an input text and I do not fill any value in it, I get
a 0.0 value in my Float atribute, and I expected  null (like the original

The libraries versions that I´m using are listed below:


In tomcat 6.0.13 I´m not getting the same behaivour. I get that I expect. I
think the problem is with this jar: jasper-el.jar.

Is there an explanation for these? In my opinion, I don´t think is a good
performance get a value from a form that nobody has put there.

Thanks in advance.

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