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On 2/16/2009 10:29 AM, Peter Flynn wrote:
> and modified the sample Host element to match in server.xml
> <Host name="my.server.name" appBase="webapps"
>       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
>       xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
>   <Context path="" docBase="/var/www/xml/"
>            debug="9" crossContext="true"/>
>   <Context path="/" docBase="/var/www/xml/"
>            debug="9" crossContext="true"/>


#1 <Context> elements are best left in META-INF/context.xml files within
each application's WAR file (or exploded WAR file).

#2 <Context> elements should not set their paths (except in server.xml;
please see #1)

#3 <Context> elements should never set the path to "/", as this is
confusing to the reader and, I suspect, impossible to reach once
started. Tomcat uses <Context path=""> for the "root" web application.
<Context path="/"> doesn't make any sense.

#4 You are deploying the same application (/var/www/xml) twice. It
doesn't sound like this is really what you want to do.

#5 It looks like you are trying to deploy the same application twice to
the ROOT context (see #3 and #4).

Please see http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/context.html

> (This may be suboptimal /var/www/xml/ is where my XML/XSLT files are,
> but it's unclear to me if this is actually needed at this level of the
> config.)
> This worked fine to test what I am doing in Cocoon, although the server
> sticks in an unwanted /cocoon/ into the URI.  Now I need to add Lucene
> and several other apps (via .war files) but I am having difficulty
> understanding how to configure Tomcat to use multiple apps.

Let's take it one step at a time. Do you have a WAR file you are trying
to deploy, or is everything in /var/www/xml?

> As far as I understand it:
> a) I need to make Cocoon the default app, because that's what the bulk
> of the work will run through (but I'm happy to be told this is wrong).
> Comments in the mailing lists indicate that this will also get rid of
> the intrusive /cocoon in the URIs.

The "default app" is really a vague term. If you mean that the web
application hosting Cocoon should get requests to http://host/, then
that is called the "ROOT web application". The ROOT webapp also gets all
requests that don't get mapped to some other webapp, too (such as
http://host/webappB/foo/bar when "webappB" doesn't map to a running webapp).

> b) I then add the other apps in servlet-mappings in web.xml

Application != servlet. web.xml declares and maps servlets. If you truly
have a separate application, you should have a separate WAR file or a
separate directory with all your webapp stuff.

> [stop][rewind][play]
> The cocoon.war was unwrapped in webapps
> [stop][fast-forward][play]
> I deleted the ROOT directory in webapps; renamed the cocoon directory to
> ROOT; removed the /cocoon from the httpd.conf

This is exactly what you should have done. cocoon.war will be deployed
to /cocoon. Re-naming it to ROOT.war will deploy it to "/".

> and added this to web.xml
> (and restarted tomcat5 and httpd)
> <servlet-mapping>
>   <servlet-name>Cocoon</servlet-name>
>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>

I believe Cocoon's configuration already maps Cocoon to all incoming
URLs. This shouldn't have been necessary.

> But accessing any URI using the virtual hostname then brought up the
> Tomcat 404 error "requested resource (/what/ever) is not available.

Do this:
* Stop Tomcat if it's running
* Remove all <Context> elements from your server.xml file.
* Leave cocoon.war exploded into webapps/ROOT
* Remove everything else from the webapps directory (maybe move
  everything somewhere else in case you need it back)
* Delete everything in work/ and logs/
* Start Tomcat
* Check all logs in logs/*
* Come back and tell us how things went

- -chris
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