Hi Rainer, thanks for your response.

I tried the config you suggested. It suppose the way of configuring those
parameters is as you said, but skipping "manager." from the begining, as
when I tried as you said, I got this in the catalina. log:

10-mar-2009 15:58:19 org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
ADVERTENCIA: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Cluster/Manager}
Setting property 'manager.sendAllSessions' to 'false' did not find a
matching property.
10-mar-2009 15:58:19 org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
ADVERTENCIA: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Cluster/Manager}
Setting property 'manager.sendAllSessionsSize' to '200' did not find a
matching property.
10-mar-2009 15:58:19 org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
ADVERTENCIA: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Cluster/Manager}
Setting property 'manager.sendAllSessionsWaitTime' to '0' did not find a
matching property.
10-mar-2009 15:58:19 org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin

Maybe without the "manager" prefix? sendAllSessions=false,
sendAllSessionSize="200" and sendAllSessionsWaitTime=""?

Filip, we consider taking thead dumps, but we are using jdk 1.5 under
windows. I heard it is not supported in Windows until jdk 1.6. Is it true?

Best regards

2009/3/9 Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de>

> On 09.03.2009 09:24, Mikel Ibiricu wrote:
>> So, It works OK but when starting up one of the nodes with over 500
>> sessions
>> alive in the other, it doesn't replicate anything. We assume that it would
>> not be able to replicate everything... but why it does either replicate
>> everything or nothing? If it's not able replicate all the sessions, we
>> would
>> assume it, but we would like to replicate at least something... Maybe some
>> trouble with the config we are trying? We tried to limit the
>> keepAliveCount
>> of the senders, without improvement with this.
>> Reading the DeltaManager code, I have seen the sendAlllSessions parameter.
>> According to in-line javadoc and the implementation,
>> /**
>>      * handle receive that other node want all sessions ( restart )
>>      * a) send all sessions with one message
>>      * b) send session at blocks
>>      * After sending send state is complete transfered
>>      * @param msg
>>      * @param sender
>>      * @throws IOException
>>      */
>>     protected void handleGET_ALL_SESSIONS(SessionMessage msg, Member
>> sender)
>> throws IOException {
>>         [...]
>>         if (isSendAllSessions()) {
>>             sendSessions(sender, currentSessions, findSessionTimestamp);
>>         } else {
>>             // send session at blocks
>>             int len = currentSessions.length<  getSendAllSessionsSize() ?
>> currentSessions.length : getSendAllSessionsSize();
>>             Session[] sendSessions = new Session[len];
>>             for (int i = 0; i<  currentSessions.length; i +=
>> getSendAllSessionsSize()) {
>>                 len = i + getSendAllSessionsSize()>
>>  currentSessions.length
>> ? currentSessions.length - i : getSendAllSessionsSize();
>>                 System.arraycopy(currentSessions, i, sendSessions, 0,
>> len);
>>                 sendSessions(sender, sendSessions,findSessionTimestamp);
>>                 if (getSendAllSessionsWaitTime()>  0) {
>>                     try {
>>                         Thread.sleep(getSendAllSessionsWaitTime());
>>                     } catch (Exception sleep) {
>>                     }
>>                 }//end if
>>             }//for
>>         }//end if
>>         SessionMessage newmsg = new
>> SessionMessageImpl(name,SessionMessage.EVT_ALL_SESSION_TRANSFERCOMPLETE,
>>         newmsg.setTimestamp(findSessionTimestamp);
>>         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
>> log.debug(sm.getString("deltaManager.createMessage.allSessionTransfered",getName()));
>>         cluster.send(newmsg, sender);
>>     }
>> it may cover our expectatives, so I tried to include
>> sendAllSessions="false"
>> in the cluster manager configuration
>> <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager"
>>                    name="clusterPruebas6"
>>                    stateTransferTimeout="180"
>>                    expireSessionsOnShutdown="false"
>>                    notifyListenersOnReplication="false"
>>                    sendAllSessions="false"/>
>> But it seems like this parameter is not configurable from the server.xml
>> file. So, what can I do to force that if it's not posible to replicate all
>> the sessions, at least replicate something in the startup?
> If you want to test with sendAllSessions set to false, then add
> manager.sendAllSessions="false"
> to the Manager element of the cluster configuration.
> You might then also want to configure:
> manager.sendAllSessionsSize: the number of session which will be serialized
> and send in one chunk (default if sendAllSessions="false": 1000)
> manager.sendAllSessionsWaitTime: the time in milliseconds between sending
> out consecutive session chunks (default if sendAllSessions="false": 2000)
> Regards,
> Rainer
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