
May be my problem is due to the fact I have the line :



The reason is that if I uncomment this line I have this error in Apache :

[Thu Mar 12 17:31:37 2009][23548:6496] [error] service::jk_lb_worker.c
(1144): All tomcat instances failed, no more workers left for recovery

Any idea what can be the problem ?


2009/3/11 Toni Menendez Lopez <tonime...@gmail.com>

> 2009/3/11 Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de>
>> On 11.03.2009 14:03, Toni Menendez Lopez wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I have following architecture :
>>> 2 Server with Apache and Tomcat
>>> Versions :
>>> -------------
>>> httpd -v
>>> Server version: Apache/2.0.52
>>> Server built:   May 24 2006 11:45:06
>>> -------------
>>> ./version.sh
>>> Using JRE_HOME:       /opt/jdk1.5.0_10
>>> Server version: Apache Tomcat/5.5.20
>>> Server built:   Sep 12 2006 10:09:20
>>> Server number:
>>> OS Name:        Linux
>>> OS Version:     2.6.9-55.0.2.ELsmp
>>> Architecture:   i386
>>> JVM Version:    1.5.0_10-b03
>>> JVM Vendor:     Sun Microsystems Inc.
>> What's your mod_jk version?
>   -->JK Version: mod_jk/1.2.23
>> I am doing load balancing between both with JK, with an scenario of 50
>>> reques per session (aprox), and 500 reqxseg ( aprox ).
>> What is reqxseg?
> --> HTTP request per second.
>> The thing is the following, when I shutdown the passive server, I have a
>> What is a "passive" server? I thought you do load balancing?
>> What do you mean by "shutdown"?
> --> I have a red hat cluster in both servers which give to me an Virtual IP
> for both servers, this virtual IP is of one of the servers and is the
> entrace point for my architecture, so the requests are received only with
> one apache, which delivers the request to the tomcats of both servers.
> --> The passive servers in the one which does not have the IP, si the
> apache of this servers is just not receiving requests.
> --> Shutting down, is just swtch off the server ( just simulating a crash
> of the server).
>   download of my reqxseg, and the requests that where managed by the
>>> passive server get stucked for long time, like 5 min.
>>> New request afther shutting donw the passive server are well processed.
>>> But the thing is if there is a way to reduce this time that requests are
>>> stucked.
>> The answer depends on your answer to m<y above questions.
>> This is my worker :
>>> # izonetv LoadBalancer Definition
>>> worker.izonetv.balance_workers=izonetv-mifeas01_data,izonetv-mifeas02_data
>>> worker.izonetv.method=Session
>>> worker.izonetv.retries=1
>>> worker.izonetv.sticky_session=True
>>> #worker.izonetv.sticky_session_force=1
>>> worker.izonetv.type=lb
>>> # izonetv-mifeas01_data Node Definition
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas01_data.connect_timeout=10000
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas01_data.fail_on_status=404
>> You don't want to fail on 404.
> --> Sorry what does mean this parameter ? I just copy from another
> configuration.
>> worker.izonetv-mifeas01_data.host=mifeas01_data
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas01_data.lbfactor=1
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas01_data.port=8009
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas01_data.reply_timeout=30000
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas01_data.type=ajp13
>>> # izonetv-mifeas02_data Node Definition
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas02_data.connect_timeout=10000
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas02_data.fail_on_status=404
>> You don't want to fail on 404.
>> worker.izonetv-mifeas02_data.host=mifeas02_data
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas02_data.lbfactor=1
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas02_data.port=8009
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas02_data.reply_timeout=30000
>>> worker.izonetv-mifeas02_data.type=ajp13
>> Regards,
>> Rainer
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