Ron McNulty wrote:
> Hello
> I am running Apache Jetspeed Portal server (which sits on top of Tomcat) as a 
> development platform. We then deploy portlets to Websphere portal server for 
> production.
> One area of incompatibility that I would like to fix is JNDI branches. Tomcat 
> provides the standard java:comp/env/ branch, but IBM have a couple of other 
> branches (e.g. /cells/persistent/... and /services/...) that don't have the 
> usual java:comp/env/ prefix. As JNDI paths specified in /conf/context.xml 
> automatically get the prefix added, these JNDI paths won't work on 
> Tomcat/Jetspeed.
> I have an application level fix that works, but developers need to use a 
> specific class to do JNDI access (and regularly forget to do so). So I would 
> like implement the other JNDI branches in Tomcat itself. It would be nice if 
> this could be done as a plug-in module, but I am happy to hack the Tomcat 
> source code if necessary.
> My impression is that I would need to provide a new naming context to 
> implement this. Can anyone point me at some documentation or give me some 
> ideas on how I could implement these paths?

Take a look at

look for namingContextListener

You can see from those how Tomcat does this.

I suspect you'll need to patch one or both of these. The
createNamingContext() method in the listener looks like a good place to



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