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On 3/20/2009 7:53 PM, Jonathan Mast wrote:
>> Meh. Most Java webapps aren't multithreaded anyway in the sense that
>> each request lives in its own little world and usually runs start to
>> finish with no other threading involved.
> Just this week I added threading to a component of my web-app.  I had some
> what dreaded it, but found that it took me only a half-hour and about 10
> extra lines of code, here's a synopsis:
> Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
>     public void run() {
>         ...blast()
>     }
> }, "Blast Thread");
> t.start();
> Where blast() iterates thru several thousand records, which are sent to a
> third-party site for processing.  The third-party site allows no more than 5
> connections per second, so I just call Thread.sleep(1000) on every 5th
> record.
> It is very simple, very elegant and very fast now that some much load has
> been moved off the main http thread.

I would argue that, architecturally, this kind of work doesn't belong in
the "request processing" portion of the application. I generally do this
kind of thing with cron jobs. Otherwise, you can have HTTP requests
kicking-off lots of long-running processes. That may be possible in
Java, but I'm not sure it's always advisable.

On the other hand, a background thread (in the same JVM) that serially
processes some jobs scheduled by request processors (say, like sending
an email message) is often a good idea. Just as long as you don't run
"new Thread().start()" during request handling, which is a bit scary.

> My question is: how would this be accomplished in PHP?  Would I need to
> recompile the whole php server with a special thread package or what?

I have no idea. I wasn't saying that you can do that in PHP (or, at
least, you can't fire-off background threads during request
processing)... I was saying that you shouldn't do that in /any/
language, so the fact that PHP can't do it isn't really that relevant.

- -chris
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