Just to let you know that this worked out just fine. Even though the renaming to ROOT.war appears easier, I'm not sure it really is. For the record, I've made this work on my development machine (Mac OS X 5.6) with Java 1.5 and Tomcat 6.0.18 (a vanilla download from Apache).
Here were my steps:

0. I stopped Tomcat. The standard appbase is webapps. I removed ROOT and ROOT.war.

0a. I restarted Tomcat andI tested the url http://localhost:8080 -- it brings up a blank page.I stopped Tomcat again.

1. My app (myapp) was originally configured using the following context specification: ~myapp/META-INF/context.xml (abbreviated):

<Context debug="5" reloadable="true">
    <Resource type="javax.sql.DataSource" ...  />

2. I created a new directory xwebapps as a sibling to webapps, and moved the (exploded) myapp folder into xwebapps.

3. I moved context.xml from xwebapps/myapp/META-INF/context to conf/ Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml.

4. I inserted the docBase attribute in conf/Catalina/localhost/ ROOT.xml as follows:

<Context docBase="../xwebapps/myapp" debug="5" reloadable="true">
  <Resource type="javax.sql.DataSource" ...  />

The relative path works because it is interpreted relative to the localhost appbase.

5. I restarted Tomcat, and everything works as desired: The url http://localhost:8080 now brings up the myapp application.

As an experiment, I dropped a copy of the original myapp (exploded) folder (including META-INF/context.xml) into the standard webapps appbase, and restarted Tomcat. Happily, the two versions of the app play nice together: http://localhost:8080 invokes the xwebapps/myapp copy, and http://localhost:8080/myapp invokes the webapps/myapp copy. (Since they share the same db, this isn't viable for anything more than an experiment, but it's nice to know it works.)

Many thanks,

On Apr 2, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Ken Bowen [mailto:kbo...@als.com]
Subject: ROOT options

I'm wondering if I could get some pointers to reading about
what these options are.

You can place a <Context> element in server.xml, but that is strongly discouraged these days, and we will likely yell at you if you do so.

You can also specify the default webapp by creating the file conf/ Catalina/[host]/ROOT.xml that contains a <Context> element with a docBase attribute that points to a location *outside* of the <Host> appBase directory. You must also remove any ROOT.war file or ROOT directory from the <Host> appBase. If you want to have the name of your .war file be different from the webapp name, this is the way to do it.

Documentation is here:

- Chuck

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