Something more to consider relating to specifying charsets in meta tags :
It's of course ok that a server sends http headers specifying in what
charset the page is encoded but when the user comes to saving that web page
on local drive there's nothing left that meta tags to inform browsers the
page is encoded in utf-8. So depending on wether your app's users are likely
to save locally served contents it might be a good thing to also consider
putting this piece of information directly into the html doc.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> André,
> On 4/3/2009 6:43 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> > 4) the HTML specs are distinct from the HTTP specs.  [...] It also
> > seems to be superfluous and confusing considering (1) and (2) above.
> > (Like, what if (1) and (4) specify different charsets/encodings ?).
> The HTML spec says that the Content-Type wins the argument ;)
> > Why hasn't a proposal for HTTP 2.x / HTML 5.x
> > come about, reconciling those aspects and establishing Unicode/UTF-8 as
> > the default (or only) encoding, for URLs as well as content ?
> > 8) What is also missing in my view, is some more general proposal
> > covering the format of text files (and text streams), anywhere.  To
> > alleviate any ambiguity, each text file/stream should contain at least a
> > short prefix indicating its MIME type and its charset/encoding.
> I always thought this was a good idea:
> > All the above is why I keep on seeing my name echoed back to me as
> > André, even on some well-known supposedly international websites.
> :(
> - -chris
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