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On 4/7/2009 5:08 PM, Rashid Malik wrote:
> Hi, I changed port 8080 to 80 and I get page not found error.  Please
> note that I have another website that is running on an older version
> of tomcat.

Aah, you didn't mention that.

Only one process may bind to a particular interface/port combination. In
your case, port 80 is already taken (by Tomcat 4.1). If you want both
Tomcat 4.1 ans 6.0 to appear to be using port 80, you will need to put
another piece of software out in front in order to play traffic cop and
properly route the requests to the appropriate server (app on TC4.1
versus app on TC6.0).

Apache httpd is a popular choice for accomplishing this.

You will have to:

1. Change Tomcat 4.1's configuration so that the HTTP port is
   something /other/ than port 80 (8080 is a popular choice)
2. Change Tomcat 6.0's configuration so that the HTTP port is
   something /other/ than port 80 and 8080 (8081?)
3. Install Apache httpd and have it listen on port 80
4. Configure httpd to send the appropriate requests to the
   appropriate back-end server

To accomplish #4, you will need to use either mod_proxy_http,
mod_proxy_ajp (both built-into Apache httpd 2.2.x) or mod_jk (which is a
separate download).

There is a lot of documentation for using mod_jk here:

If you use mod_proxy_http, you'll need to do:

ProxyPass /appA http://localhost:8080/appA
ProxyPass /appB http://localhost:8081/appB

That should be enough to get you started.

- -chris
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