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On 4/7/2009 5:56 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Now suppose I /do/ a POST with multipart/form-data encoding to a Tomcat
> servlet, and one of the parts /is/ a large file.
> How can I handle this at the servlet level ?

Of course you can. Haven't we been over this one already? ;)

> All I see in the Servlet Spec is HttpRequest.getParameter(), which
> returns a string (already URL-decoded), which seems hardly appropriate
> for uploading a file.

...especially because the servlet spec says that it will only decode
form parameters if the content-type is
application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If you use multipart/form-data, then
your servlet has to read the entire request body using
request.getReader() or request.getInputStream() and parse-out its own
parameters AND file content.

> Or else HttpRequest.getInputStream(), which returns a byte stream.  But
> then I guess I have to do the whole multipart/form-data parsing myself.

Exactly. There are libraries that can handle this sort of stuff for you,
but it's not part of the standard servlet API. Think of this as
HTTP::multipart which you have to download from JPAN and install. :)

> Does there exist a library somewhere which allows me to feed it this
> InputStream and which will parse the parts for me appropriately (for
> example allowing me to determine if a given parameter is a file, and
> handle it easily ) ?

There are several. Struts 2 has one built-into itself, as do other
application frameworks. Here are several standalone ones:

Super old-skool, still maintained:

Newer, and probably more widely used:

I'm sure there are others. IMO there's no reason to look beyond

- -chris
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