Only one little addition below:

On 11.04.2009 14:19, André Warnier wrote:
> J Channel wrote:
> [...]
> Hi.
> Let me jump in here for a while.
> First, I think it would be clearer (and certainly more efficient), to
> move your Rewrite rules away from a .htaccess file in docroot, and just
> put them in your main Apache configuration files.
> (I suppose that if you have access to the DocumentRoot, you have access
> to the server (or virtual server) *.conf, yes ?)
> Second, I personally find another syntax clearer than JkMount, specially
> when you need to combine it with other rules in Apache.
> The main reason is that indeed, it is not always very clear which kind
> of "priority" JkMount/JkUnMount directives have, vis-a-vis Apache
> Rewrite, <Location> etc..
> So, for example, instead of writing
> JkMount /myapp workername
> JkMount /myapp/* workername
> you can also do it as follows :
> <Location /myapp>
>   SetHandler jakarta-servlet
>   ....
> </Location>
> This is explained here:
> in the section entitled :
> Using SetHandler and Environment Variables
> Basically, the <Location> section above means that anything
> corresponding to a URI starting with "/myapp" will be passed on to
> Tomcat.  It is thus equivalent to the duo
> JkMount /myapp workername
> JkMount /myapp/* workername
> but, in my view, it gives you more flexibility at the Apache level, and
> also fits better with the Apache "way of things".
> I think it makes the respective priorities of mod_jk and RewriteRules
> clearer, because they are the same as what they are in Apache between
> Rewrite and <Location> blocks.
> For example, if you load the mod_setenvif module in Apache, you can
> exclude some URI's inside of that location using this kind of thing :
> <Location /myapp>
>   SetHandler jakarta-servlet
>   SetEnvIf REQUEST_URI "\.(css|gif|jpg|js|html?)$" no-jk
>   ....
> </Location>
> meaning that URI's for files starting with "/myapp" but ending in one of
> the extensions above will /not/ be passed to Tomcat (but the rest will).

... and you can also use mod_rewrite to set the environment variable
"no-jk", which disables mod_jk forwarding.

> You can also add a second <Location> like
> <Location /myapp/no-tomcat>
>   SetHandler none
>   ....
> </Location>
> so that most things starting with "/myapp" will go to Tomcat, except the
> ones starting with "/myapp/no-tomcat".
> And of course, you can use <Location>, <LocationMatch>, <Files>,
> <FilesMatch> etc.. to similar effect.
> Which seems to me the kind of thing you want.

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