Dear Khlystov,

1. 5 second (using maven) compile source ( usually it is 1 or 2 files )
 2. 0 second copy *.class file into Tomcat/webapps

Stop using Maven for simple compiles and write a small shell script that just calls javac with the webapp's WEB-INF/classes as output dir.

 3. 5-7 seconds waiting while Tomcat finds that my webapp deployed
    files are changed

There is a timer somewhere that you can lower for this. I forget precisely which one. It will slow down Tomcat a bit, but you will redeploy faster.

 4. 1 seconds takes to undeploy my webapp
 5. 3-5 seconds takes to deploy ( really initialize Wicket & Spring
    Beans frameworks with my data)

Well, you chose these frameworks, so you'll have to live with their startup times. Lazy initialisation *may* help, if you initialise more than you need for a specific test.

Kees Jan

Rule 1 for being in a hole: stop digging.

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