
I posted this on the Apache list a while back and didn't get any response.

I'm running Fedora Core 5, httpd-2.2.2-1.2 (worker MPM), Tomcat 5.5.17, Java
jdk1.5.0_07. I have about 40 connections/apps from Apache to Tomcat like so:

ProxyPass /foo ajp://localhost:8009/foo/

I am getting a fair amount of 503 errors. Logs look like this:

Tomcat catalina.out
Mar 29, 2009 1:35:23 PM org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext action
WARNING: Error sending end packet
java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe

Apache ssl_access
xxx.xxx.xxx.102 - - [29/Mar/2009:13:35:18 -0400] "POST /foo/bar HTTP/1.1"
503 40920

Apache ssl_error
[Sun Mar 29 13:35:22 2009] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.102] proxy: error
processing body, referer: https://foo.bar.com/foo/bar
[Sun Mar 29 13:35:22 2009] [error] proxy: got bad response (5) from (localhost)

The times are not exact matches but the pattern is consistent. I don't know
if this is a Tomcat problem or Apache/mod_proxy. Many requests are GET - not
all POST. The client hasn't complained about specifically seeing the 503
error, it could be hidden or messing things up in some other way (like my
AJAX backend).

Can anyone give me some guidance here? Googling the log entries does't
amount to much. The feedback on "java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe"
seems to be that it's harmless, but it does coincide with Apache errors and
ultimately 503, so I don't think it's a simple case of the user hitting the
"stop" button.

Is there a preferred alternative to connecting Apache and Tomcat? Or is
mod_proxy the best?

Thanks for the help.

P.S. I know the system is old, and you might be inclined to tell me to
upgrade but I don't have that option at the moment. Any ideas on what to
explore would be helpful.

Daryl Stultz
6 Degrees Software and Consulting, Inc.

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