Not sure why I have the <Logger>.  I put that in over a year ago and I was
looking at docs and examples online and since it seemed to work I didn't
worry about it.  now that I need to undeploy without stopping the service
things aren't working.  This was originally in the global conf/context.xml

Anyways, I did not add the Logger back into my application context.xml
file.  My application context.xml file looks like this.
    <Context antiJARLocking="true"  antiResourceLocking="true"/>
    <Resource name="jdbc/xxx” auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

> > From: JT []
> > Subject: Re: Undeploy does not delete all .jar files
> >
> > I am using a database and I think it's telling me
> > to add my database connections inside of the
> > context.xml file.
> That is correct.  If the database is to be used by just a single webapp,
> the <Resource> element should be nested inside the <Context> element for
> just that webapp.  Placing the <Resource> element in the global
> conf/context.xml file will make the database accessible by all webapps,
> which is often undesirable.
> > JDeveloper automatically added a META-INF directory and
> > when it creates my war file it puts this directory under
> > WEB-INF/classes.
> Either the IDE is seriously broken, or you have misconfigured it.  If it's
> the former, I certainly wouldn't use it, since it can't be trusted.
> > would that mess everything up if I
> > have 2 META-INF directories?
> The improperly located META-INF would be ignored by Tomcat.
> > Nothing has changed with the new version of Tomcat.
> How did you end up with a <Logger> element in the global conf/context.xml?
>  That construct hasn't been supported for a long time.  If your IDE created
> it, that's yet another reason not to use it.
>  - Chuck
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