Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Mark,
> On 4/21/2009 5:54 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> 1. Find an app that you can't reload without OOME
>> 2. Get a profiler - I like Yourkit
>>    Full disclosure: they give ASF committers a free copy
>> 3. Reload you app once
>> 4. Use the profiler to look for instances of WebappClassLoader
>> 5. Look for the one with the started attribute == false
> I'm using YourKit and I have located the two WebappClassLoader object
> currently in memory. I'm using TC 5.5.26 and I don't see any "started"
> attribute. Is "started" in 6.x while 5.5 has something else? Or, do I
> have to dig deeper into the tree to find the "started" attribute?

Looks lie a difference between 1.5 and 1.6 JVMs. With 1.6 I can see the
primitives when I use object explorer. With 1.5 I can't.


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