 A write on a pipe for which there is no process to
 read the data. This condition normally generates a
 signal; the error is returned  if  the  signal  is ignored.
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> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 01:43:58 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: mod_jk, not sure if an issue
> Hi André,
> On 25.04.2009 13:58, André Warnier wrote:
> > Hi Rainer.
> > 
> > Thanks very much for the time you took to analyse the case below.
> > However, I am still puzzled :
> > 
> > This is indeed a system where there appear to be problems at the level
> > of the connection between the client workstations/browser, and the
> > distant server.  Those are the "client write" errors.
> > We are in the process (right, with the network people), of
> > analysing/discussing that (automated tests, Wireshark etc..).
> > 
> > However, it is also a single host with both Apache and mod_jk and Tomcat
> > on the same host.  So what I am troubled about is the "cping/cpong" and
> > "sendfull" kind of messages. Are they not strictly between mod_jk and
> > Tomcat ?  And if yes, considering these are on the same host, do these
> > messages also indicate that something else is wrong ?
> They are strictly between Apache and Tomcat. "write" failed during
> sending cping from Apache to Tomcat overa previously established
> connection, and EPIPE should indicate a remote socket/connection close
> (or maybe reset?).
> Maybe Tomcat has a default connectTimeout? Not sure at the moment.
> Regards,
> Rainer
> > Rainer Jung wrote:
> >> Hi André,
> >>
> >> On 22.04.2009 18:29, André Warnier wrote:
> >>> As (maybe) part of another issue which I am still trying to track down
> >>> with the concerned network people (client write errors, Sample 2 below),
> >>
> >> Before commenting Sample 1: Although we generally respond to the "client
> >> errors" topic with "Users press reload or click on another link before
> >> answer returns - check whether your responses take to long", we now
> >> observed two cases, where there were real network problems (I generally
> >> avoid to bash the network people, but it is still possible that the
> >> trouble comes from the network):
> >>
> >> - once a bad cable
> >> - once a bad driver for a network card used by a VMware guest system
> >> (problems with TCP offloading). TCP offloading problems seem to become a
> >> new trend :(
> >>
> >>> I find the following kind of messages regularly in the mod_jk logfile
> >>> (Sample 1).
> >>> I just want to know if this indicates a problem somewhere, or if these
> >>> are normal occurrences.
> >>> These [info] messages do not always come as often as shown below, but
> >>> seem to come with some regularity nevertheless.
> >>>
> >>> Basically, my question is whether this indicates that there might be a
> >>> discrepancy between front-end and back(-)end or something of the kind,
> >>> or if there is some other parameter to adjust to make these go away.
> >>>
> >>> Apache 2.x prefork MPM
> >>> mod_jk 1.2.27
> >>> Tomcat 5.5.x
> >>> under RHEL, single host
> >>>
> >>> JkLogLevel  info
> >>> and
> >>> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> >>>
> >>> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> >>> # new options since 1.2.27 :
> >>> worker.ajp13.ping_mode=A
> >>> (single worker, no load balancing)
> >>>
> >>> back-end Connector :
> >>> <Connector port="8009"
> >>>  enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3"
> >>>  maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="100"
> >>> backlog="100" />
> >>
> >> The configuration contains no means for shutting down idle workers.
> >> Neither mod_jk (connection_pool_timeout) nor Tomcat (connectTimeout)
> >> will close idle connections. So it's possible, that an intermediate
> >> system, e.g. firewall drops connections.
> >>
> >>> Sample 1 :
> >>> --------
> >>>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:34:59 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.007701
> >>> 4897
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:34:59 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.004344
> >>> 1457
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:34:59 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.101926
> >>> 1945
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:34:59 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.322939
> >>> 296975
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.032625
> >>> 1576
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.003084
> >>> 4176
> >>
> >> It would be nicer to put the JK access logging into the access log and
> >> add the pid (process id) there, so you could identify exaclty which
> >> access log line relates to which JK info/error message block. not
> >> critical though.
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] [18753:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1064): sendfull for
> >>> socket 16 returned -32 (errno=32)
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] [18753:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (855): can't send cping query
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] [18753:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_maintain::jk_ajp_common.c (3046): (ajp13) failed sending request,
> >>> socket -1 keepalive cping/cpong failure (errno=32)
> >>
> >> As you already noticed, errno=32 is a broken pipe error. Sending the
> >> cping packet uses the write() system call. The linux man pages for
> >> write(2) on my systems say:
> >>
> >> EPIPE  fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed.
> >>  When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIGPIPE
> >> signal.  (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program
> >> catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
> >>
> >> So we should have "reading end is closed", which is Tomcat, so the
> >> connection should bw in CLOSE_WAIT from the point of view of mod_jk. I
> >> would expect a RST send by a firewall or similar between mod_jk and
> >> Tomcat to also result in EPIPE.
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.010538
> >>> 1366
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.002768
> >>> 2507
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:14 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.002658
> >>> 1999
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:17 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.060688
> >>> 21560
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:19 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.017692
> >>> 23635
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:22 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 1.032645
> >>> 21400
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:34 2009] [30410:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1064): sendfull for
> >>> socket 16 returned -32 (errno=32)
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:34 2009] [30410:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (855): can't send cping query
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:34 2009] [30410:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_maintain::jk_ajp_common.c (3046): (ajp13) failed sending request,
> >>> socket -1 keepalive cping/cpong failure (errno=32)
> >>
> >> Same again.
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:34 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.071825
> >>> 20753
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:36 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.115782
> >>> 14137
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:56 2009] [30413:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1064): sendfull for
> >>> socket 1 returned -32 (errno=32)
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:56 2009] [30413:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (855): can't send cping query
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:56 2009] [30413:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_maintain::jk_ajp_common.c (3046): (ajp13) failed sending request,
> >>> socket -1 keepalive cping/cpong failure (errno=32)
> >>
> >> Again
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:56 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.040233
> >>> 20753
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:57 2009] [29827:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1064): sendfull for
> >>> socket 16 returned -32 (errno=32)
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:57 2009] [29827:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (855): can't send cping query
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:57 2009] [29827:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_maintain::jk_ajp_common.c (3046): (ajp13) failed sending request,
> >>> socket -1 keepalive cping/cpong failure (errno=32)
> >>
> >> Again
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:35:57 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.036396
> >>> 12264
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:36:36 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.292587
> >>> 1409
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:36:36 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.010833
> >>> 6729
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:36:36 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.015750
> >>> 3484
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:36:36 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.032983
> >>> 2915
> >>
> >> Note that all 4 cases were logged by a diffrent PID (process id), and in
> >> the prefork case, each process has its own pool of size 1. So 4
> >> different processes experienced a connection closed by the backend or
> >> something in between. If you would log the JK access data and the PID in
> >> the apache access log, you could verify, when those processes used the
> >> backend connection the last time previously to verify the idleness
> >> theory.
> >>
> >>> Sample 2 : (for illustration of the other issue only)
> >>> --------
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:32 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.016737
> >>> 6729
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:32 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.019133
> >>> 3484
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:32 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.010458
> >>> 2915
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:32 2009] GET /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.112756
> >>> 18897
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:44 2009] [29831:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1064): sendfull for
> >>> socket 1 returned -32 (errno=32)
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:44 2009] [29831:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (855): can't send cping query
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:44 2009] [29831:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_maintain::jk_ajp_common.c (3046): (ajp13) failed sending request,
> >>> socket -1 keepalive cping/cpong failure (errno=32)
> >>
> >> The same for pid 29831
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:44 2009] [30401:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1064): sendfull for
> >>> socket 17 returned -32 (errno=32)
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:44 2009] [30401:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (855): can't send cping query
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:44 2009] [30401:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_maintain::jk_ajp_common.c (3046): (ajp13) failed sending request,
> >>> socket -1 keepalive cping/cpong failure (errno=32)
> >>
> >> pid 30401
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] [29827:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1064): sendfull for
> >>> socket 16 returned -32 (errno=32)
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] [29827:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (855): can't send cping query
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] [29827:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_maintain::jk_ajp_common.c (3046): (ajp13) failed sending request,
> >>> socket -1 keepalive cping/cpong failure (errno=32)
> >>
> >> pid 29827
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] [29831:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_process_callback::jk_ajp_common.c (1748): Writing to client aborted
> >>> or client network problems
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] [29831:2537034048] [info]
> >>> ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2407): (ajp13) sending request to tomcat
> >>> failed (unrecoverable), because of client write error (attempt=1)
> >>
> >> Now a client write error, again pid 29831. Possibly, the cping write
> >> error above too a long time to be detected and that's why the response
> >> retrieved via a fresh connection wasn't consumed by the client? Although
> >> the below response times seem to tell us, that the longest request in
> >> the snippet here took 9 seconds, which is not that long.
> >>
> >> There is no mod_jk internal relation between the cping send failure and
> >> a client write error. It could only be in some indirect way, like both
> >> being caused by a general network problem (occuring on the path to the
> >> browser and on the path to the backend - but then why don't we see lots
> >> of other communication errors as well?) or by some timing issue
> >> triggering user behaviour - not very likely in light of the blow
> >> duration lines.
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 5.210358
> >>> 8184
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] [29831:2537034048] [info]
> >>> jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2469): Aborting connection for worker=ajp13
> >>
> >> This is a consequence of the client write error, so next time this
> >> process will open a fresh connection to the backend.
> >>
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:49 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.363977
> >>> 20753
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:54 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 9.057331
> >>> 20755
> >>> [Tue Apr 21 13:15:55 2009] POST /myapp/normen/servlet.myapp 200 0.215937
> >>> 14166
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Rainer
> >>
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> -- 
> kippdata
> informationstechnologie GmbH   Tel: 0228 98549 -0
> Bornheimer Str. 33a            Fax: 0228 98549 -50
> 53111 Bonn           
> HRB 8018 Amtsgericht Bonn / USt.-IdNr. DE 196 457 417
> Geschäftsführer: Dr. Thomas Höfer, Rainer Jung, Sven Maurmann
> ===============================
> kippdata
> informationstechnologie GmbH   Tel: +49 228 98549 -0
> Bornheimer Str. 33a            Fax: +49 228 98549 -50
> D-53111 Bonn         
> HRB 8018 Amtsgericht Bonn / USt.-IdNr. DE 196 457 417
> Geschäftsführer: Dr. Thomas Höfer, Rainer Jung, Sven Maurmann
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