Thanks, I did that bevore posting but did not understand id clearly. There
is written:

"Any connections above smax are subject to a time to live or ttl. Apache
will never create more than the Hard Maximum or max connections to the
backend server."

"smax [...] Upto the Soft Maximum number of connections will be created on

"max [...] In the Prefork MPM, this is always 1"

Because I use mpm-prefork as mentioned, default smax=max=1. Does it make
sense to set smax to 0 to get a ttl for the one and only connection? So
"zero connections will be created on demand"? Is it bad not to have a ttl
for the one and only connection? When will that connection be closed without
ttl? When Tomcat connectionTimeout triggers?

2009/4/26 Rainer Jung <>

> Look for "ttl" on page
> .

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