On 01.05.2009, at 10:20, Mark Thomas wrote:

Marcel Stör wrote:
All I need for an embedded Tomcat (I'm working with 6.x) are a few
Tomcat JARs in my classpath, correct?

It depends what functionality you want - you'll probably need most of them.

I'm asking because I'm seeing a strange behavior here. Access to
Servlets deployed in the embedded Tomcat succeed, but requests to other
resources such as JSPs or static CSS files result in 404 errors.
I have a feeling that I'm missing something in my Tomcat setup. Here's
my Tomcat launcher class:

That sounds like you haven't configured the JSP servlet or the default servlet. Take a look at CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml - you probably want to include some of
that stuff in your app's web.xml

Oh yes, indeed. Isn't it obvious...gosh.


Marcel Stör, http://www.frightanic.com
Blog: http://frightanic.wordpress.com
Couchsurfing: http://www.couchsurfing.com/people/marcelstoer
Skype: marcelstoer

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