Thing is, that we have multiple boxes (Debian) running with multiple
hosters, so every layout of those boxes is different (i.e. one has
Tomcat in /var/lib, the other one in /usr/local, next one in

Since *some* of our servlets (i.e. our own SSO-mechanism) are runnung
in all boxes, I can't use an absolute path since this one is different
on quite some of those boxes.

Given that usually log4j.xml ist stored in


I thought of something like

<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "../../../../common/classes/log4j.dtd">

That's because our Tomcats are also using log4j instead of Juli.

However, that's close to perfect when using all same Tomcat versions,
but when mixing Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6 on some boxes, this also
doesn't work, since there's no such such as $CATALINA_HOME/common in
Tomcat 6.

Therefore my idea was to use a Java-property being resolved while
pasing log4j.xml, however, the usual meachanism to use Java-properties
inside XML-files doesn't seem to work here.

Actually the property gets resolved perfectly as you can see within
the error-message

log4j:ERROR Could not parse url
[file:/home/tomcat/www/common/classes/log4j.xml]. no protocol: ${log4j.dtd}
   [ ...some more stuff deleted ]

but the protocol ist the problem.

Oh shit - now that I'm typing I *think* I see the error:

One slash after "file:" seems to be missing... I'll have it changed on
Monday when I'm back in the office to

-Dlog4j.dtd=/${CATALINA_HOME}/common/classes/log4j.dtd \

and will let you guys know if that works.


just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you...
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