Can you clarify on "mysterious self-signed certificate displayed within the 
browser"?  Also, into what did you import the "relevant root certs and SSL 
cert"?  The keystore?  

W is right.  If your certificate is was not issued (signed) by a CA that the 
browser trusts, then the browser will not trust your certificate and will show 
a warning as a result.  If that is your issue, then in order to get that 
message to go away, you'll either need use a certificate issued by a trusted 
CA, or import your certificate information into the browser.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Mast [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:59 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SSL Mysterious Self Signed Certificate

Its my understanding that all Self-signed certs generate the creepy browser
messages.  Not sure though.  Were the imported root certs issued by a well
known CA?

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Andrews, Wayne <>wrote:

> Hi
> I have an issue whereby on a windows installation of Tomcat; I have a
> mysterious seflt signed certificate displayed within the browser.
> Despite the fact that I have created a new keystore and imported the
> relevant root certs and SSL cert and then redirected server.xml to point
> to the keystore
> Any ideas?:
> W.

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