> From: trill...@gmail.com [mailto:trill...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
> w...@serensoft.com
> Subject: startup.bat and catalina.bat -> NoClassDefFoundError: server
> We find what the launch-tomcat command is from the startup.bat and
> catalina.bat files, and paste that in directly at the command line,
> only to get:
> "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: server"

Looks like you have set JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS to "server" - which is 
incorrect.  When used, it should be "-server"; however, since you're on a 
64-bit JVM, it's always in server mode, and the option is not needed.

> start "Tomcat" "C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_18\bin\java" server -Xms768m -Xmx768m

As stated before, you're missing the dash in front of "server" (but you don't 
need -server at all).

> What would the "tomcat connector" be for, or what's the "native"
> instance all about. At tomcat.apache.org there are 64-bit downloads in
> those categories, but how do they relate to the normal ZIP downloads?

The Tomcat Connectors are for front-ending Tomcat with httpd or IIS; if you're 
running Tomcat standalone (which your are), you don't need them.

The Tomcat Native is a subset of httpd known as the Apache Portable Runtime.  
It replaces the Java HTTP/HTTPS handler in Tomcat with one written in C; this 
will provide better SSL performance and may improve non-SSL performance in some 

These extra pieces have 64-bit versions since they are written in C, and must 
therefore must match the mode the JVM process is running in - just as the 
tomcat5.exe and tomcat5w.exe executables must.  Tomcat itself is pure Java, so 
is platform and architecture independent.

 - Chuck

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