"Patrick Herber" <patrick.her...@ticino.com> wrote in message 
> Hello
> I've made some more tests and after reading the Book "*Tomcat, The
> definitive Guide*" I discovered the existence of a parameter called
> "*connectionUploadTimeout*" (below I join the description of this
> property taken from this book).
> I've changed the configuration of the HTTP connector and now uploading
> big files directly on tomcat (without Apache HTTP) works without problems:
> <Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>    connectionTimeout="600000"
>    connectionUploadTimeout="3600000"
>    disableUploadTimeout="true"
>    redirectPort="8443" />
> However, if I reset our original configuration with Tomcat behind an
> Apache HTTP connected with mod_proxy_ajp (or mod_proxy_http) I get the
> same Exception as before (the Upload stops after 30 minutes).
> <IfModule mod_proxy_ajp.c>
>    ProxyRequests Off
>    ProxyTimeout 3600

This looks a lot like 30min ;)

>    <Location / >
>        ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8009/
>        ProxyPassReverse ajp://localhost:8009/
>    </Location>
> </IfModule>
> <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3"
>    connectionTimeout="600000"
>    connectionUploadTimeout="3600000"
>    disableUploadTimeout="true"
>    redirectPort="8443" />
> Or
> <IfModule mod_proxy_http.c>
>    ProxyRequests Off
>    ProxyTimeout 3600
>    <Location / >
>        ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/
>        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8080/
>    </Location>
> </IfModule>
> <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>    connectionTimeout="600000"
>    connectionUploadTimeout="3600000"
>    disableUploadTimeout="true"
>    redirectPort="8443" />
> I've tried setting the "timeout" parameter in the ProxyPass instruction
> to one hour:
> ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8009/ timeout=3600
> But it did not help...
> Do you have any suggestion?
> Thanks a lot for your attention and your help
> Patrick
> Here the description of the three properties copied from the Book
> "Tomcat, The definitive Guide" (O'Reilly, Jason Brittain with Ian F.
> Darwin). I missed these information in the official Tomcat documentation
> (didn't I see it?):
> *disableUploadTimeout*
> Should Tomcat use the regular connectionTimeout for request socket
> connections even for long servlet requests, such as uploads? Setting
> disableUploadTimeout to true allows long requests to servlets to
> continue without the Connector closing the connection. Setting it to
> false means that a longer connection timeout (connectionUploadTimeout's
> value) will be used for requests to servlets. Setting it to false means
> that the lower connection timeout specified in the connectionTimeout
> attribute will be applied to all types of requests.
> The default for this attribute is not consistent between Connector
> implementations and versions of Tomcat. We strongly suggest that you
> explicitly set it to either true or false.
> *connectionTimeout*
> The Connector may wait a configurable number of milliseconds from the
> time the client's request TCP socket is accepted until the request
> method line is sent to Tomcat.
> The default is 1 minute. 60000
> *connectionUploadTimeout*
> By default, Connectors keep request socket connections open while Tomcat
> processes the request, until the connectionTimeout of 1 minute has
> passed. At that point, the Connector will close the socket. But, this
> causes trouble if the request was for a long running servlet, such as a
> file upload. During requests that map to servlets, Tomcat will use a
> longer timeout, specified by the connectionUploadTimeout attribute in
> milliseconds.
> The default is 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes). 300000

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