* Thanks for your all responses.
The main thing is when i click login button iee., onclick function in html, the controller class is going to get path informtaion ie..*getPathInfo() in Controller class and is going to check with LDAP settings and pass to the index.html(home page). but when i m clicking login button in html,its saying *"<!--:$servletpath-->/XYZ/login".-----------> Not found error 404.* Can any one tell me how can i pass the URL request to match the URL pattern /XYZ/login =================== * class* AuthController *extends* Controller { *protected* HttpResponse service() *throws* ControllerException { Object localObject2; Object localObject3; String str = *super*.getPathInfo(); Session localSession = *super*.getSession(); Parameters localParameters = *super*.getParameters(); * if* (str.equals("/XYZ/login")) { localObject1 = localSession.getUser(); *if* (localObject1 == *null*) { localObject2 = localParameters.get("loginname"); *if* ((localObject2 == *null*) || (((String)localObject2).length() == 0)) { *return* *super*.getMessageResponse(*new* StringSpec("servlet|login.missing"), *true*, *true*, *false*); } } ============================ * public* *abstract* *class* Controller *implements* IClickConstants { *protected* *final* String getPathInfo() { *return* *this*.m_pathInfo; } }