Alston, Brian (US SSA) wrote:

    What I have is 3 virtual servers (VMWare -> Windows Server 2003). One 
server has Apache httpd v2.2.11 and two other servers running Apache Tomcat 
v6.0.18. The Tomcat servers are independently accessible from outside of the httpd 
server; so, I assume that I will need to place SSL on all three servers.

I think the question to ask is : do your Tomcat servers /have to be/ accessible directly, without going through httpd ? If not, then it is possible to configure Tomcat so that it will /only/ accept connections from the IP address of your httpd server, and from nowhere else.

The point is : using HTTPS is "expensive" (all communications have to be encrypted, which has a cost). So if you can make it so that the http <-> Tomcat connection is "private", you don't heve to use HTTPS between them.

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