Christoph Kukulies wrote:
Due to the recently discovered security holes in Tomcat 6 I wanted to update to 6.0.20, downloaded the Windows installer and ran it (after stopping the running service first).

During the install process I'm getting an alert box, saying:

(X) Failed to install Tomcat6 service.
     Check your settings and permissions.
     Ignore and continue anyway (not recommended)?

I continued and after copying back my backed up server.xml and my (own) ROOT webapplication
I could start the service (net start tomcat6) again.

Probably it's just because tomcat6 has not been deinstalled before?


Is there a way to upgrade tomcat6 smoothly under Windows?

My guess :
The error message appears when the "Windows service wrapper" included in the Tomcat installer tries to install itself as a Windows Service, and itself gets back an error, because this same Service Name already exists in the Windows Registry.
In this case however, the error is harmless.
You can probably avoid it by running this command from a command window, in the /bin directory of your Tomcat installation, prior to re-installing/upgrading Tomcat :
.\tomcat?w.exe //DS//(service name)
where (probably) ? should be "6" in your case, and "(service name)" should be whatever name appears for Tomcat when the service is started and you type "net start" to list the active services.

For a full explanation, have a look here :

Another way to (maybe) avoid this would be as follows :
- instead of downloading and installing the "installer" version of Tomcat for Windows, download the zip version.
- unzip this version in the desired Tomcat installation directory
- run the "bin\install.bat" script to install the Tomcat service.
Once you have done that, you have essentially the same Tomcat as with the installer. The difference is that you will have a few more files in the \bin subdirectory, allowing you for instance to run Tomcat in a command window, should you want to do that.

I'm sure more information is available somewhere, but it quickly gets rather tedious to explain the full background of all this, so I'll skip it for now.

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