Thanks again Rainer,

Your seccond two points were covered in my initial mail containing the test code

I am pretty sure that the issue is with the shell, and have been using the code below to test all sorts of combinations of values for OPTS - the only way I can get the arg to print on one line is to quote $OPTS when it is expanded, which obviously will not work if there are any other options required in CATALINA_OPTS.

exec is not included in my example, as tc 6.0.16 does not include it when it "start"s only when it "run"s.

Thanks again, it is.

Adding to what André explains: the following small script shows a
working procedure:


OPTS=-DXXX="a b"

# or alternatively
# OPTS="-DXXX=a b"

exec /usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/java "$OPTS" myprog

What is important here:

- the original variable including the system property is used on the
commandline, no intermediate expansion or adding other tokens to the
same variable

- there is only one system property in the variable. You cann add the
non-problematic ones to the standard variable, or if there are multiple
properties with spaces, use multiple aditional variables.

- The quotes aroung $OPTS in the line starting java. They are used, so
that the shell passes the whole of $OPTS as one argument to the java

The exec is only there, because it is done like that in the standard script.



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