this is because apache a2 only has routes for td201 and td202... but not 
td101... therefore it doesn't know how to handle td101.

why don't you setup all four routes for a1 and a2.
then use the mod_proxy_balancer lbset variable to set a preferred route, and 
problem will be solved


Theparanoidone Theparanoidone wrote:

I would like to reuse the JSESSIONID route betweened clustered tomcats... and 
I'm wondering if there are negative consequences for doing so.

We have the following setup:
2 data centers...   (d1 / d2)
2 apache mod_proxy_balance    (ad1, ad2)
4 tomcat servers (td101, td102, td201, td202) --- sessions are replicated between both data centers (fortunately our application is light enough that this should be okay for our needs)

                  d1                           d2
                    |                             |
                 ad1                         ad2
                /     \                       /      \
td101 -- td102 -- -- td201 -- td202

Our clients are "stuck" to a particular tomcat server and data center upon logging in; however, if 
we need to perform maintenance... we switch everyone over to an "up" data center while we do 
maintenance on the "down" center.

So, in normal operation... a client will always reconnect to td101. If we flip to maintenance mode... they'll be redirected to d2... HOWEVER our current...
While at d2... they will ping/pong in between td201 and td202...  (this is 
because apache a2 only has routes for td201 and td202... but not td101... 
therefore it doesn't know how to handle td101.

Our application still works... it's just messy flip flopping between 2 tomcat 
servers for every request.

I'm considering relabeling the routes as follows (td1, td2, td1, td2)

                  d1                           d2
                    |                             |
                 ad1                         ad2
                /     \                       /      \
td1 -- td2 -- -- td1 -- td2

Is there any weird route collisions or problems in doing this?
Do routes really have to be unique if our application controls which physical 
data center a customer connects to?


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