André Warnier wrote:
and he's back.
Browsing the documentation of urlrewritefilter, at

In the <condition> element, one of the conditions is :
remote-addr The IP address of the host making the request, e.g. i.e. request.getRemoteAddr()

So you can definitely test on

You can also, subsequent to this test, re-direct the request somewhere else (have not yet found the rule for that).

So one way to do what you want joins a previous suggestion of Chuck :
- duplicate your webapp
  - have it set up once as
        (with the authentication bit)
  - and again as
     (the same, just omit the authentication section in web.xml)

Then, set up urlrewritefilter so :
- if the request to /thewebapp comes from, re-direct it (internally) to /thewebapp-internal - otherwise, don't do anything (and it will hit the normal authentication of /thewebapp

Inconvenient : requests that go through /theweapp-internal have /no/ authentication. If your webapp really needs one (internally), then you have a problem. But if the authentication is merely to restrict access, and the user-id is not used inside, then you're ok.

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