as2 wrote:

I am trying to add a rule ..

Try this :

# First, all URLs that start with "/app/" and end in either .jsp, .htm
# or .html are forwarded to Tomcat
<LocationMatch "^/app/.+\.(jsp|html?)$">
  SetHandler jakarta-servlet

# But, we don't want that if it's inside of "/app/dir/"
<LocationMatch "^/app/dir/">
  SetHandler none

# Except if it is inside of a "/jsp/" subdir of "/app/dir",
# then we do want it anyway
<LocationMatch "^/app/dir/.*/jsp/">
  SetHandler jakarta-servlet

You may need to modify that a bit, according to what you want exactly (which is not so clear in your original question).

But the base is :
- <Location> and <LocationMatch> are applied one after the other, in the order in which they appear in the configuration file.
(See : )
- "SetHandler jakarta-servlet" makes it so that all applicable URLs are proxied to Tomcat - "SetHandler none" cancels the effect of a previous "SetHandler jakarta-servlet" and returns to the default Apache handling.
(See : )

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