André Warnier wrote:
> Pid wrote:
>> The Filter checks the domain name is suitable, /looks up a config object/
>> and drops it into the request attributes for use on the page.
> Ha ! I believe that this is exactly what Jonathan is (or was originally)
> looking for.
> Where is this "config object", and when and how is it being initialised ?

Right FIFTH attempt to send this email, (dodgy net & crashing mail
client - I am *not* shouting at my computer).

Short version:

It's a custom obj in a DB, it's got lists of CSS/Javascript file URLs,
some binary switches for turning on/off blocks of page content.

Use the serverName as a key in the DB & a suitable, thread-safe cache.

If the number of obj is small, preload the cache at Filter init().


> I'm continuing for myself right now, just to learn how to do this
> correctly.
> Suppose I do want to do something different in my (shared, common,
> whatever) webapp, depending on the "Host:" header of the request.
> And suppose this different thing I want to do, is a bit heavy, so I
> don't want to do it all at each request, I want to do some of that work
> ahead of time, and re-use it for each request afterward.
> But the requests come in unpredictable order, all to my same webapp, but
> one for "", and the following one for
> "" etc.
> And when one comes in for "bananas", I want to retrieve what I had
> earlier prepared for "bananas", and not what I had prepared for "lemons".
> (In other words, I don't want a fruit salad, I want to enjoy each fruit
> separately).
> Where and how do I do that ?
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