Dear all,

I need to log some information only after a user downloads or opens a file.

I am using a servlet for that and the download part works fine.

However I need to identify which button was clicked because in case the user
clicks [CANCEL] I am not supposed to register any information.

I put lots of messages on the code to understand how it works and even if I
click [CANCEL] the messages will be printed showing that all commands will
be executed no matter which button was clicked. 

Can someone help me to identify which button was clicked?



package servlets.comum;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

* Definition of class DownloadFile.

public class DownloadFile extends HttpServlet


    private String original_filename = "MYFILE.txt";

    private String filename="C:\\ABC.txt";

     * Processes requests for both HTTP >GET and POST methods.
     * @param request servlet request
     * @param response servlet response

    protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)

    throws ServletException, IOException


        File                f        = new File(filename);

        int                 length   = 0;

        ServletOutputStream op       = response.getOutputStream();

        ServletContext      context  =

        String              mimetype = context.getMimeType( filename );

System.out.println("here 1");    

        //  Set the response and go!

        response.setContentType( (mimetype != null) ? mimetype :
"application/octet-stream" );

        response.setContentLength( (int)f.length() );

        response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""
+ original_filename + "\"" );

System.out.println("here 2");    

        //  Stream to the requester.

        byte[] bbuf = new byte[filename.length()];

        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));

        while ((in != null) && ((length = != -1))


System.out.println("here 3");    


System.out.println("here 4");


System.out.println("here 5");


System.out.println("here 6");


     * Handles the HTTP GET method.
     * @param request servlet request
     * @param response servlet response

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse

    throws ServletException, IOException {

        processRequest(request, response);


     * Handles the HTTP POST method.
     * @param request servlet request
     * @param response servlet response

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse

    throws ServletException, IOException {

        processRequest(request, response);


     * Returns a short description of the servlet.

    public String getServletInfo() {

        return "Short description";




[Tue Jul 07 10:39:43 BRT 2009]  info: postgres: Opened a new connection
[Tue Jul 07 10:39:43 BRT 2009]  info: postgres: Delivered connection from
select arquivolicitacao.licitacaoid, arquivolicitacao.arquivoid,
arquivo.tipoarquivoid, arquivo.tituloapresentacao, arquivo.nomeinterno,
arquivo.localizacaofisica, arquivo.datapublicacaodou, tipoarquivo.descricao
from arquivolicitacao, arquivo, tipoarquivo where
arquivolicitacao.licitacaoid = 5 and arquivolicitacao.arquivoid =
arquivo.arquivoid and arquivo.tipoarquivoid = tipoarquivo.tipoarquivoid
order by datapublicacaodou desc
here 1
here 2
here 3
here 4
here 5
here 6

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