I use SEP 11 with tomcat 5.5, and had no trouble. I installed SEP while TC was running, so maybe it detected that it needed to leave that port open?


Tim Funk wrote:
Don't run Symantec ? :)

Symantec is probably doing 1 of 2 things
1) Noticing tomcat is trying to bind to a socket (it is a webserver) and killing it
2) It has bad heuristics and thinks its a trojan

My bet is #1. You probably need to white list tomcat. Actually - you might need to whitelist java. Symantec should provide a faq or tech support.


Raghu.p wrote:
I have installed Tomcat 6.0.18 in Windows 2003 server previously it is
working fine, today I have installed "Symantec End Point Protection 11.0" In that same server, then I restarted the server, now tomcat is
not starting and it’s not recording any error messages in log files.

Then I have un-installed Symantec then again Tomcat is working fine.

Can anybody tell solution to resolve the issue.


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